4 Simple Ways To Get Better Looking Skin

Are you looking for a way to restore your skin’s youthful glow, or are you simply trying to keep your skin looking as healthy as possible? There are plenty of simple ways to get better looking skin—here are a few things to consider:

Profile portrait of a nice blond girl with pleasure washing her face in the morning by clear refreshing water, perfect clean skin, using anti acne remedy, hygiene concept dr sabini delaware plastic surgeon scar revision skin care

1. Clean Your Skin Gently

Keeping your skin clean is the first step to improving its appearance. It is important to be gentle when cleansing your skin to avoid irritation and damage. Use a gentle cleanser and a soft cloth. If you have sensitive skin, it may be wise to choose a fragrance free cleanser.


You may also want to consider investing in a Clarisonic device to thoroughly clean your skin without causing any damage. The office of Dr. Paul Sabini offers many different skin care products, talk to a doctor about which products are best for your skin and your lifestyle.


Clean your face every morning and clean it again every night before bed to remove any makeup or dirt that built up throughout the day.

2. Keep Your Skin Hydrated

Keeping your skin from drying out will help it stay fresh and beautiful. Hydrate your skin from the inside out by drinking plenty of water every day. Avoid drinking too much alcohol or caffeine since they can sap moisture from your skin.


You should also apply a moisturizer every morning after you wash your face.

3. Prevent Sun Damage When Going Outside

Sun damage will quickly age your skin and detract from your appearance. Avoid tanning beds and lying out in the sun. When you do go outside, protect yourself with sunscreen, wide brimmed hats, sunglasses, and clothing that covers up most of your skin.

4. Seek Professional Treatment To Correct Damage

There are many non-surgical treatments available that can improve the appearance of your skin and correct preexisting damage. Some common procedures include:

  • IPL (Intense Pulsed Light): This is used to correct sun spots, redness, and irregularities in skin.
  • Microdermabrasion: This is used to improve the overall appearance of your skin, reduce pore size, and treat fine lines.
  • Chemical Peels: These are used to remove a layer of skin, reduce pore size, treat some acne scars, and improve fine lines.

To learn more about improving the appearance of your skin, schedule a consultation with Dr. Paul Sabini.